Jobs skills using Word2Vec

Using scraped job postings and Word2Vec to answer the question “what skills do I need to learn to make me a better job candidate?” Code and summary in Jupyter notebook. From the Women in Tech July 2018 hackathon. Word2Vec results were deployed as an app using Domino for the duration of the hackathon. This project was a continuation of a pre-existing project, Skill Clusters (website). My involvement was limited to the hackathon weekend.

Git repo with Jupyter notebook

Domino project

Titanic Dataset

Examining the Titanic passenger survival dataset in a Jupyter notebook. (Code linked above.)

@ARobotLooksAt: AI art on Instagram

An Instagram account where I post pictures I’ve produced or altered by machine learning techniques that I’m learning or playing around with. I’m always happy to get suggestions for techniques/toolsets/repos I should check out!

My next goal for the account is to code up a variational autoencoder to generate images. meal planning in Django

A Django site to store and review recipes, plan meals, and develop grocery lists. This is a collaborative project – my contributions have been most of the major models plus site design, including the very excellent artwork. The site is very slowly being worked on, but very actively being used to plan meals in my household. Next item on the feature wishlist: auto-populating meals for the week, based on meals I’ve rated highly.

Check out the code or visit the deployed site.